Center for Assurance Research and Engineering

CAR Technology Entrepreneurship & ICT Leadership Accelerator Lecture Series

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Marché Banguissois

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Start-up aimed at facilitating all industrial, commercial, financial, agricultural, movable and immovable operations. 

Launched on Facebook in February 2021, the Banguissois market page was created with the aim of bringing together and centralizing all economic operators from all sectors in the Central African market. But also to map all the economic agents on the Central African market and connect them to the local and international market. Thus, allow foreign investors to have access to reliable companies in the Central African Republic. It is registered with the Chamber of Commerce.  

His team: Bachir MOUSSA BAWA entrepreneur, graduate in logistics at the International Polytechnic University of Benin. Contribution 50% (innovation and organization), Aboubakar Nabil Ben BACHIR resident in Montreal, Canada graduated in Technology at the University of Montreal (30% programming contribution) and Melissa Christelle KAMOT BOYAKA N’TCHA 20% (contribution in marketing and communication), graduate in management and resident in Benin. Marché Banguissois is on LinkedIn and Facebook. 

It wants to establish itself as a leader in the field of the digitalization of goods and services, following the various socio-political crises causing real delays on all levels, the digital sector is struggling to gain momentum. 

Industry (branch / sector of activity): software design and e-commerce/ financial technology. 

Products and services: e-commerce -Digitalization of goods and services. Facilitate all financial, commercial, agricultural and industrial operations online or in physics. 

Types of customers (businesses or consumers, etc.) 


Major objectives for the coming year: identify more than 1000 economic agents and attract more than 200,000 users. Set up a digital consulting service for small and medium-sized enterprises that will focus on the following activities: 

Improved visibility on social media (creation and management of their pages and content). 

Creation of showcase and personalized websites for institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises… Support in the digitalization process. 

The challenges you face. 

A room to install a team and work equipment, accommodation…  

Satcom Consulting

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Service and consulting company in New Information and Communication Technologies. Founded in 2020 by Salim BADAMASSY, information systems engineer, Satcom Consulting is supported by a team of experienced engineers and technicians and makes its know-how available to its customers and ensures quality technical achievements. Our mission is to support our clients including telecommunications companies, banks, insurance, public administrations, local authorities and NGOs etc … by offering them customized solutions and services that meet their needs. 


Consulting Service management:  

  • Alignment of your IT solutions with the needs of your business  
  • IT governance process  
  • Implementation of ITIL best practices CONSULTING in ICT strategy  
  • Audit of your tools and advice in terms of improvement  
  • Realization of your specifications Critical and high availability architectures  
  • Disaster Recovery Solutions  
  • Business Continuity Process Managed / Support Satcom Consulting offers various assistance packages in order to accompany you day after day in the management of your IT infrastructure. . Project management  
  • Support of the entire project  
  • Implementation, testing and documentation of the solution  
  • Design of solutions based on advanced technologies 
  • Implementation of a scalable infrastructure  
  • Maintenance to ensure the continuity of the IT Reseller service Improve your productivity with adapted and reliable hardware and software. 


To win more maintenance contracts so more customers  

The challenges we face are: how to ensure its financing? And how to find customers.


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The digital incubator was created in 2015 to offer digital solutions to the Central African population, the government and development partners. It is a physical place to support the creation and development of digital solutions by young people to ultimately provide a concrete response to the difficulties of the Central African populations affected by the crisis. To support this dynamic, we have set up a favorable ecosystem that allows exchanges on social issues but also on the development of digital technology and existing opportunities. – HISTORY OF THE COMPANY AND FOUNDERS THE NGO Mamboko Na Mamboko which means “hand in hand” was founded in 2007 by Mr. Aristide GANABO the president and Martial GANABO the National Coordinator, its headquarters is based in Bangui. It is a dismemberment of the association Mamboko na Mamboko France created in Bordeaux in 2005. Its objective is to contribute to the moral, educational, social, economic and cultural development of young people and women. – INDUSTRY (branch / sector of activity) Digital incubator, Digital project and training, – PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Application creation – TYPES OF CUSTOMERS (Companies or consumers, etc.).  

MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMING YEAR: Creating digital applications that will be solutions to physical problems  

– THE CHALLENGES YOU FACE: Cost of Qualified Resource APIs 


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 iSTech’s Company description  

iSTech stands for intelligent Products or services manufacturer / provider, relaying on Science & Technological principles, is a company created in 2017 in Central Africa Republic. The Fiscal Identification Number (NIF) is P355S00123. The company is owned by Mr MAPOUKA Saint-Cyr; its mission is to privide better products & services for relevent problems. iSTech’s vision consist of doing the right thing the right way. 



Products & Services list. 

BSol (Business Solution) : A Powerfull POS (Point of Sales) system. Any business institution can laverage on it to become very powerfull in serving customer, controlling stock fleet, management capability…  


Academ (Academic Solution) : A computing engineering product, which is a set of hardware and software items, that aims to empower a school institution by automating its all its daily task in a rate of 80% to 92%. It uses the most inovative technology such as barcode data manipulation, batch process, SMS Com. 


Fast#ID : A  SAAS (Software as a Service) which purpose is to produce any identification cards in a standard format (PVC format, …) in batch, by using the most innovative data collection technologies such as Commcare, Kobo Collect, iForm, …Production of thousand of #ID cards (Aids beneficiaries, students #ID cards, …) in a laps of times is no more an issue with eReg1. 

Type of customer  Company (Mini super-market, Private School, …), Non Govermental Organization, Governement institutions, and individuals. 
Main objectives for 2022. 
  • Increase the number of BSol’s product customer from 1 (Actual) to at least 15. 
  • Increase the number of Academ’s product customer from 0 (Actual) to at least 3. 
  • Increase the number of Fast#ID’s service customer from 2 (Actual) to at least 20. 
  • Release the beta1.x version of a new Software As A service called Gara.  
  • There almost no possibility to get loans from local Bank in Central Africa Republic, in order to finance the business plan over 3 years. 
  • Impossible to find a local vendor which can provide the right hardware computing tools such as barcode reader device, mini server, POS printers, cash redrawer,  tag printer, … and not only that, the delivery channel of goods from abroad is not secured. In order to fix this, the alternative could be to travel abroad.  

Harvey & Co

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A single-member limited liability company, was created in 2015 to fight unemployment and promote digital transformation. It aims to support local companies to outsource certain services in order to devote themselves to their main activity.  

OUR BUSINESS SECTORS: specialized in various services: • Courier, a courier and local express delivery service by Courier Plus • IT, an outsourcing service, various IT services and digital transformation by Computing Plus; • Electronic banking and fintech, a service supply and maintenance of AUTOMATAs, development of financial services by Monétique Plus.  

OUR MISSION: To contribute to the performance of our customers by offering them tailor-made services, perfectly adapted to their needs and with added value.  

OUR VISION: To become an essential link in the chain of activity of our customers.  

TARGET CLIENTELE: Our target clientele consists of companies, liberal profession, public administrations and services and individuals in some cases. 

MAJOR OBJECTIVES FOR THE COMING YEAR: • Implement a platform for the settlement of transport costs (taxi and bus) and small businesses using NFC technology and USSD from electronic wallets; • Implement the shared electronic archiving platform; • Implement the express courier service; • Implement an online training platform dedicated to digital culture.  

CHALLENGES: • Capital; • Training and support 


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Forever Management Technology (FORMATECH – SURL) is a one-person limited liability company. It is specialized in the provision of services, training, studies and realization in the fields of telecommunications (transmission: FH and VSAT), building electricity, renewable energies, industrial maintenance. The company was created in 2018 by Triomphe Hardy MBOUA. Triomphe Hardy MBOUA is a Telecom engineer with more than 10 years of professional experience at MOOV Centrafrique. He also has a master’s degree in project management. Following the experiences acquired in the field of operation and maintenance at MOOV, Triomphe decided to embark on entrepreneurship, creating FORMATECH in 2018 as a service delivery company in the areas mentioned above. Today, FORMATECH takes care of the maintenance of: – UNDP: All energy equipment (generators, air conditioning and electricity …) and all related agencies (ANE, Special Criminal Court …); – MOOV: Maintenance of hybrid systems (solar panels + generator + batteries) of technical sites and air conditioning of offices and technical sites. – PMU & ACAMS: maintenance of generator set and electrical installations – NGO Triangle & Action Contre la Faim (ACF): maintenance of generator set. Formatech now directly employs 26 young technicians. Depending on the market, the major objective for next year is to expand the market share and scope of action. In this case, training, studies and implementation. The challenges ahead, the need for working capital that limits us in the management and execution of certain contracts and development projects of the company.



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GETEX AGRI was created on July 1, 2020 by Ursula Marlène Makoua GERVIL-YAMBALA, passionate and self-taught about agriculture. GETEX AGRI is part of GETEX GROUP SURL with a capital of 4,000,000 FCFA; GETEX AGRI is one of the finalists of WIA 2021. GETEX AGRI has been selected to follow a 5-day training on the development of a business plan in micro-enterprise financed by PRADAC. GETEX AGRI works in close partnership with women cassava producers from Samba (15 km from Bangui) which it transforms into cassava and flour. GETEX AGRI offers support training for women in entrepreneurship on income-generating activities tending towards empowerment in partnership with SOFIA CREDIT, microfinance. Industry (branch / sector of activity) GETEX AGRI is an agro pastoral processing company whose vocation is to grow and manufacture natural products without conservation in a semi-industrial way. It is therefore a company in the primary and secondary sector. Products and services GETEX AGRI transforms agricultural products without preservatives, e.g. fruit into jams, syrup and fruit juices. Cassava in flour and cassava sticks. For its Snacks peanuts in sweet or salty peanuts. Plantains in sweet or savory chips. Corn in grains in sweet or salty popcorn. Shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil cream for the body and hair. GETEX trains women funded by local NGOs. Types of customers (companies or consumers, etc.) Shops of stations TOTAL CENTRAFRIQUE, NDARA Art Company, customers of the airport, GETEX products are accessible to all. Major objectives for the coming year Mechanization and automation of the production chain. Supply of agricultural products to local producers for better processing. The challenges you face? Difficulties in preserving natural products (shelf-stable) and difficulties in the supply chain of agricultural products (seasonal raw material). 


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 Areas of intervention:  

  • Promote entrepreneurship (income-generating activities)  
  • Promote capacity building of women and youth through vocational training  
  • Promote the protection of human rights  
  • Promoting human health  
  • Promote agro-pastoral  
  • Promote peace, social cohesion and living together 

The Central African Republic (CAR) is rural: agriculture and livestock are the country’s two main economic sectors. They employ 75% of the working population and contribute 55% to GDP. The CAR has major assets such as land, pastures, water resources and forest cover that are abundant. However, production methods are less and less efficient over the decades, at the same time as the deterioration of the political and security situation: agriculture has sunk into an acute crisis materialized by the fall in productivity and yields of all crops, sadly characterized by increasingly serious tensions or even conflicts between users of space (farmers, breeders, hunters and miners). In addition to the imperative of a restored Rule of Law, the Central African countryside must necessarily reconnect with technical and social progress in order to regain peace. The youth demand it, unable to resign themselves in silence to living “poorly”: their aspirations for dignified incomes, drawn from the land, are to be satisfied. To meet this priority challenge, the levers of agricultural development must be activated quickly. The implementation of solutions to recreate viable agro pastoral production technology systems, economic relations that generate social ties and new “freedoms to invest” for women and young people will remain strongly driven by the cultural and traditional values of the rural world. It is in this perspective that we, “Save Life” we set as a strategic objective to enhance the value of groundnut food crops, rice and maize to meet the crucial food and economic needs of the Central African population. From this overall objective flow three specific objectives:

  • Improve cultural tools and techniques;
  • Improve and increase the production of food crops (groundnuts, rice and maize);
  • Create conditions of adapted conservation;
  • Transform and market products.

On the strength of this analysis, the NGO “Save Life”, aware of the real problems facing the Central African populations in the field of food security, is prepared to contribute effectively in concert with international and national guidelines to give satisfactory answers. Finally, we dare to believe that it is through this channel that the country’s recovery must pass in terms of lasting peace and social cohesion. 


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Company Description, Overview and History 

Created in 2019 by several entrepreneurs whose objective is to innovate the agricultural system and meet the need for food security, MOTIBI is an association that aims to strengthen links and opportunities in the agricultural field between farmers including market gardening to ensure food security in the Central African Republic and the promotion of the processing of agricultural products and food autonomy. But also connect the local market to the international. Between 2020-2021, she contributed to the training of several Young Central Africans in entrepreneurship and leadership in partnership with other associations, including the Project for Peace: Building Peace through Capacity Development and Leadership (USA-BANGUI). The members of the association invest in different crops, including sweet potato. 

Industry (Industry/Sector of Activity) 

With agricultural entrepreneurship as its main activity, MOTIBI contributes to the rehabilitation of rural roads and local development. 

Product and Services: The project is structured in two parts: 

  1. Cultivation of potato and gingers.
  2. Processing sweet potatoes into powder for children’s boiling, so gingers will be crushed into powder also for a long shelf life.

Type of customers (companies or consumers, etc…) 

Local population, national and international market. 

For farmers: No more worries for those with a lot of stock and fear their degradation a few days before harvest. The latter can dry their products as much as possible through the service that we will set up. 

For children: The sweet potato will be transformed into porridge source of energy and will contribute to local and international consumption. 

Major objectives for the coming year   

We aim to improve production on 20 hectares, buy drying machines, process and export our products to the international market. 

The challenges you face:  Logistical problem, means of transport, agricultural equipment and watering of the field in the dry season.