Center for Assurance Research and Engineering


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Corporate Patrons and Sponsors Program


George Mason University’s Center for Assurance Research and Engineering (CARE) at the Volgenau School of Engineering seeks your support and partnership in developing and facilitating innovative cybersecurity technology and policy solutions that have meaningful impact. CARE has: 

  • Research to Practice Orientation – We transform our research into innovative technology and policy solutions to increase security in real-world settings including through research spinoffs and corporate startups.
  • Multi-disciplinary Approach – Cybersecurity is multidisciplinary by nature and CARE expertise and approach to cybersecurity challenges spans technology, business and governance and policy.
  • Wide Ranging Perspective – With engagement at the city and county level and internationally with governments, companies and universities in Asia, Europe, Africa and South America, CARE has perspectives and insights into cybersecurity issues in widely varying contexts and circumstances.

Here is a summary of who we are and how we engage with organizations:

  • Breakthrough cybersecurity research – CARE conducts research on the many critical cybersecurity issues including: mobile devices, critical infrastructure, industrial control systems, Internet of Things and emerging technologies such as autonomous vehicles and connected medical devices.
  • Research and guidance on cybersecurity related governance and policies
  • Education and counsel for corporate and government executives and technical, business and government professionals
  • Industry engagement through hosted conferences and speaker events.

For more information, please contact Dr. J.P. Auffret ( or 703-993-5641).


CARE has a tiered partner program for supporting organizations with Patron, Major Sponsor and Research Sponsor levels. Partnering levels are explained in the table below.

Sponsorship program

Annual Donation                                                        Donor Designation

$40,000                                                                       Patron

$20,000                                                                       Major Sponsor

$10,000                                                                       Research Sponsor


A description of the opportunities of each sponsor designation is provided below:


  • Researcher in Residence at CARE
  • Teaming for research / strategic research partnership
  • Sponsored Research Agreement with ability to recommend research topics
  • Participation in the research process, including annual input into project selection.
  • Access to early Center resources (research and publication)
  • Advertisement / Promo at events
  • Annual Symposium/Conference
  • Corporate advisory board
  • Customized/Individualized advisory service
  • Guaranteed seats at special events or training programs
  • Invitation to lectures, workshops and special events
  • Participation in CARE interest groups
  • Receive CARE newsletter about current topics and advances in industry/research


Major Sponsor

  • Participation in the research process, including annual input into project selection.
  • Sponsored Research Agreement with ability to recommend research topics
  • Access to early Center resources (research and publication)
  • Advertisement / Promo at events
  • Annual Symposium/Conference
  • Corporate advisory board
  • Customized/Individualized advisory service
  • Guaranteed seats at special events and fee waiver at two executive education programs
  • Invitation to lectures, workshops and special events
  • Invitation to CARE Annual Research Forum
  • Participation in CARE interest groups
  • Receive CARE newsletter about current topics and advances in industry/research


Research Sponsor

  • Advertisement / Promo at events
  • Annual Symposium/Conference
  • Invitation to lectures, workshops and special events
  • Invitation to CARE Annual Research Forum
  • Participation in CARE interest groups
  • Receive CARE newsletter about current topics and advances in industry/research