Center for Assurance Research and Engineering

J.P. Auffret speaks at Health Talk Summit, Pakistan

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Dr. J.P. Auffret, Director, CARE, joins the Health Tech Summit organized by Aga Khan University and Hospitals on December 7th, 2023 for a discussion on Round Table 2: Unlocking the Power of Emerging Technologies for Next-Level Capabilities.

For more information on the Health Tech Summit and the agenda, please visit this link

As a result of this summit, the conference organizers recommended the following three suggestions to the Prime Minister, which were accepted and will be enacted.

  1. The creation of a Prime Minister’s Technology Council, composed of leading professionals in Pakistan as well as international experts;
  2. The creation of a think tank whose mandate would be to develop policies that ensure the development and retention of highly skilled professionals within Pakistan;
  3. The implementation of an Electronic Health Record system shared across all Government hospitals.